Tag Archives: Orcadesign

Sustainable Product Design

There are countless electronic devices that we human beings own, and for them to function properly they require regular replenishment of power, recharging of the batteries. When we charge them, we tend to leave it on and forget about them till the time when we need them. Fully charged devices that remained plugged in to the power source still consume electricity.

As part of the Singapore Design Festival, Orcadesign explored sustainability issues through design, and created an exhibition titled The GreenHouse Effect.



Borrowing a familiar metaphor found in baby pull-string toys, the Lullaby Plug is a power socket with an intuitive timer interface. Pulling the string down activates the power supply; the length you pulled is proportionate to the time you require (markings are on the string for every hour). As the device gets charged, the ring slowly retreats upwards until it finally cuts off power after the desired timespan.

Source: IDasia.org